2810 Meridian Parkway, Suite 176 Durham, NC 27713
How Spoonflower Works
Upload your design or photo to Spoonflower
Shop for a design in our Marketplace of over 1 million designs
Choose fabric, wallpaper or home decor
Designs are printed on demand, hand cut and shipped to you
Make your one-of-a-kind projects and crafts come to life
Special offer for Love to Sew listeners
Sign up to receive a unique promo code for 15% off your first order.
Submit your email address to receive a one-time use promo code for 15% off your first order (restrictions apply). By submitting your email, you are agreeing to receive marketing communications from Spoonflower.
Special offer for Love to Sew listeners
Sign up to receive a unique promo code
for 15% off your first order.
*Email must be submitted to receive this one-time use offer code which can be combined with the 10% Everyday Designer Discount, but cannot be combined with any other promotional offers. If your order qualifies for the Bulk Discount, you will receive the greater of the two discounts. Previous purchases are not eligible for adjustments. Offer not valid on any retired or unprinted fabrics, PRO membership, products or sample packs. Offer is not valid on Roostery.com.
Get to know the hosts of the Love to Sew Podcast:
The giveaway from episode #122 has closed.
The serger giveaway from episode #108 has closed.